Hello(*´▽`)ノ. Welcome to my blog.

My name is Jiaqi Shen. Born in 1998. Living and working now in Hangzhou, China.

I graduated from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2020, and now I am working as a frontend development engineer in Hithink Flush, which is a listed internet financy company.

My main tech stack is javascript and vue, and now gradually migrating to TypeScript. My work is currently focusing on lowcode platformUI component library and business material market construction. I also love writing some gadgets, like vscode extensionnpm packages and some other libraries. I dream of being a great technologist.

Outside of programming, I enjoy playing pingpong, guita, singing and reading usually, and I recently fell in love with listening to podcast while driving. I will write some experience sharing in my blog after.

My life motto is:  Better go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish. Translated in Chinese is “临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网”.
Focus on what we love and keep doing , we will eventually find the meaning of life.

You can Call me at 15251852316. My wechat id is the same as mobile phone number.
You can find me on GitHub
You can mail me at [email protected].

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